Media Components:
40 ml Tomato Juice
Source of S. lactis: Fresh whole milk Isolation and Confirmation Assay Materials:
Crystal Violet
Method of Isolation:
1. Preparation of media: i) To 5 L flask add tomato juice, peptonized milk, pancreatic digest of casein, and agar. ii) Fill 5 L flask containing ingredients with dH2O to 1 Liter. iii) Dissolve media components. iv) Autoclave media mixture. v) Pour media in petri dishes and allow to ample time to solidify. 2. Isolation of Streptococcus lactis: i) Inoculate tomato juice agar plates with fresh whole milk using streak plate technique. ii) Incubate at 37oC for 48 hours in an anaerobic chamber device. iii) Isolate and restreak colonies with characteristic morphologies on T-Soy agar. 3. Confirmatory Assays (optional):
i) Perform the following confirmatory assays for organism identification:
Titlepage | Hypothesis | Methods | Results | Discussion | Abstract | Protocol | References